
 Storytellers Retreat

Hosted by Story Changes Culture

As storytellers, we tell stories on behalf of our communities, clients, families and friends. Or perhaps, we tell our own stories in an effort to be seen and to empower others. Maybe we do both. Overall, we intimately understand the power of story to transform, disrupt and inspire.

The Storytellers Retreat is a small event dedicated to connection, inspiration and creativity. The structured and unstructured programming is tailored for people who value story and its impact on culture and who understand that human connection and community can result in understanding, new ways of thinking and new ways of telling and sharing stories. It is an especially meaningful experience for independent and creative thinkers who want an opportunity to collaboratively brainstorm and be inspired as they consider their personal, professional and creative goals for each year.

We do this with talks and informal workshops, by sharing stories we love and discussing them and with free time to explore each year’s beautiful location. The outcome of the event is an annual reset as we look ahead to a new year with clarity, intention and connection.

This year’s event is a wrap!

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